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    Nationwide T-4 Visa Lawyers

    Assisting Clients with T Visa Applications

    T visas are a group of visas that were created to protect victims of human trafficking after they have entered the United States. Many victims of human trafficking are afraid to come forward due to fear of detainment or deportation. With a T visa, victims and their family members can legally remain in the United States so long as the victim agrees to assist law enforcement with their investigation.

    The T-4 visa is meant explicitly for parents of T1 visa holders. Parents often want to stay in the United States and support their children through a difficult and emotional time. The T-4 visa allows parents to remain in the U.S. for up to four years, after which they can either apply for permanent resident status or leave the United States.

    If your child is a T1 visa applicant or holder and you would like to apply for a T-4 visa, meeting with an attorney on our team is recommended. Immigration forms and paperwork can be confusing, and filling them out incorrectly or incompletely can prolong the approval process. Our team at Elizabeth Rosario Law, PLC. has helped many clients complete their visa applications for a quick turnaround time. To learn more about our services and how we can help you, call our office at 616-530-0101.

    What is a T-4 Visa?

    A T-4 visa is issued to parents of T1 visa holders. T1 visas are available for victims of human trafficking who entered the United States by use of force, coercion, manipulation, or threats. T visa holders cannot be detained or deported for four years as long as the victim complies with law enforcement agencies in investigating or prosecuting the crimes against them. Family members of T1 visa holders, including parents, are often eligible for T visas.

    T visas were introduced in the year 2000 by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA). T visas help victims of human trafficking hold their abusers accountable without facing any consequences themselves. Human trafficking is defined as slavery, where abusers use force or coercion to receive services. In most cases, human trafficking involves forced commercial sex work. Many victims face psychological trauma and other lasting effects from their experiences, making it that much more important to rely on family members during this difficult time.

    Who is Eligible for a T-4 Visa?

    If your child is applying for a T1 visa or already has a T1 visa, you can apply for a T-4 visa. Your child can apply for a T-4 visa on your behalf, or you can submit your application at a later date.

    Your child must meet the following conditions to qualify for a T1 visa:

    • Your child was a victim of severe human trafficking
    • Your child was trafficked into the United States with the use of deception, force, or misrepresentation
    • Your child is willing to cooperate with law enforcement
    • Your child is admissible to the United States
    • Your child would face extreme hardship if they were forced to leave the United States
    • Your child is in the United States, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or other port of entry

    If your child is not admissible to the United States, our team can help them submit a waiver of inadmissibility to still qualify for a T1 visa. Contact our office today for more information.

    How Do You Apply for a T-4 Visa?

    To apply for a T-4 visa, your child must file Form I-914, Supplement A, the Application for Immediate Family Member of T-1 Recipient. This form will ask for personal information about you as well as information about the crime your child was a victim of.

    If you live outside of the United States but would like to enter the country, you will schedule an interview with your local Consulate or U.S. Embassy. Officers will ask you questions about yourself and take your fingerprints for a background check. You must bring your passport, a photo of yourself, and additional documents as requested.

    T visa application forms are long and can be confusing. If you need help with your application, an experienced immigration attorney on our team can help you. We will explain the information you need to gather, plus how to fill out all forms accurately for a higher chance of success. Call us today to learn more about how we can assist you.

    Can You Adjust Your Status as a T-4 Visa Holder?

    One of the main benefits of having a T-4 visa is that you can file for an adjustment of status after three years. You must remain in the United States for all three years and have shown good moral character the entire time. Our team can help you file for an adjustment of status to turn your lawful temporary residence status into lawful permanent resident status if staying in the United States is your goal.

    What Can an Immigration Lawyer Do for Me?

    Being there to support your child as they assist law enforcement in prosecuting the crimes committed against them is essential. With a T-4 visa, you can come to or remain in the United States to provide for your child as they process what happened to them and work with the police to seek justice. You can also use the T-4 visa in the future to adjust your status and remain in the United States permanently if that is your goal.

    The application process for a T-4 visa can be confusing, especially if you live outside of the United States. An immigration lawyer on our team can help you file the correct forms and complete the necessary paperwork to get your visa approved as soon as possible. Our team at Elizabeth Rosario Law, PLC., has years of experience assisting clients just like you. If you would like to learn more or get your questions answered, call us today at 616-530-0101.